OpiNail Lacquer - Is That a Spear in Your Pocket?

Alpaca My Bags, Alpine Snow, Aphrodite's Pink Nightie, A-Rose at Dawn...Broke by Noon, Aurora Berry-alis, Barefoot in Barcelona, Berlin There Done That, Big Apple Red, Black Cherry Chutney, Black Onyx, Bogotá Blackberry, Bubble Bath, Cajun Shrimp, Can't Find My Czechbook, Check Out the Old Geysirs, Chicago Champaign Toast, Chopstix And Stones, Closer Than You Might Belém, Coconuts Over OPI, Como se Llama?, Cozu-melted in the Sun, Crawfishin' for a Compliment, Don't Bossa Nova Me Around, Do You Lilac It?, Do You Take Lei Away?, Dulce de Leche, Dutch Tulips, Exotic Birds Do Not Tweet, Gelato on My Mind, Got Myself into a Jam-balaya, Happy Anniversary, Humidi-Tea, Icelanded a Bottle of OPI, I'm Not Really a Waitress, Is That a Spear in Your Pocket?, Krona-logical Order, Kyoto Pearl, Lacquer Passion, Less is Norse, Lincoln Park After Dark, Lisbon Wants Moor, Live.Love.Carnaval, Malaga Wine, Meet Me on the Star Ferry, Miami Beet, Mi Casa Es Blue Casa, Mod About You, Mural Mural on the Wall, Not So Bora-Bora-ing Pink, OPI Red, Princesses Rule, Purple with a Purpose, Reykjavik Has All the Hot Spots, Strawberry Margarita, Sun,Sea,and Sand in My Pants, Suzi Chases Portu-geese, Suzi Needs A Loch-smith, Suzi the Arctic Fox, Suzi - The First Lady of Nails, Suzi Without a Paddle, Sweet Heart, Tagus in That Selfie, Taupe-less Beach, That's Hula-rious, The Thrill of Brazil, Tickle My France-y, Tiramisu for Two, We Seafood and Eat It, We the Female, Worth A Pretty Penne, You Don't Know Jacques, You're Such a BudaPest
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Product Info

Opi Nail Lacquer - Is That a Spear in Your Pocket?

From Macy's

Nail lacquer is the original nail polish formula that reinvented quality nail color, your top choice if you enjoy updating your manicure weekly.