La Mer8.5 oz. Crème de la Mer Moisturizing Cream - Limited Edition


Product Info

La Mer 8.5 oz. Crème de la Mer Moisturizing Cream - Limited Edition

From Bergdorf Goodman

Healing moisture meets radiant rejuvination. This ultrarich cream instantly immerses skin in healing moisture and reveals a firmer feel and a more lifted, rejuvenated look over time. What It Does The moisturizer that started it all. With a heart of cellrenewing Miracle Broth™ and antioxidant Lime Tea, this ultrarich cream delivers healing moisture, daily protection, and energized natural repair. At first touch, sensitivities look soothed. Dryness disappears. And, with daily devotion, skin feels

La Mer 8.5 oz. Crème de la Mer Moisturizing Cream - Limited Edition

From Neiman Marcus

Healing moisture meets radiant rejuvination. This ultrarich cream instantly immerses skin in healing moisture and reveals a firmer feel and a more lifted, rejuvenated look over time. What It Does The moisturizer that started it all. With a heart of cellrenewing Miracle Broth™ and antioxidant Lime Tea, this ultrarich cream delivers healing moisture, daily protection, and energized natural repair. At first touch, sensitivities look soothed. Dryness disappears. And, with daily devotion, skin feels

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