Memo Paris2.7 oz. Hair Perfume Marfa


Product Info

Memo Paris 2.7 oz. Hair Perfume Marfa

From Neiman Marcus

Inspired by Marfa fragranceKey Notes:Orange blossom absolute, Tuberose absolute, White muskMemo Paris launches a new gesture in Hair Perfume. With an alcoholfree and longlasting formula, it offers a gentle moisturizer for the hair while delicately scenting - perfect for the summer and travels

Memo Paris 2.7 oz. Hair Perfume Marfa

From Bergdorf Goodman

Inspired by Marfa fragranceKey Notes:Orange blossom absolute, Tuberose absolute, White muskMemo Paris launches a new gesture in Hair Perfume. With an alcoholfree and longlasting formula, it offers a gentle moisturizer for the hair while delicately scenting - perfect for the summer and travels

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