Pride + Groom7.1 oz. The Mane Tame Foaming Waterless Pet Shampoo


Product Info

Pride + Groom 7.1 oz. The Mane Tame Foaming Waterless Pet Shampoo

From Neiman Marcus

The Mane Tame is light, foamy, and super easy to use. No water necessary. A quick and surprisingly thorough way to extend the life of a groom or just freshen up a dog or cat coat that's been around the block just a few times too many. How to Use: Pump into your handfor cats and small dogs, the size of an egg; for bigger dogs, a couple of eggs Use finger and hands to distribute foam thoroughly throughout your pet's dry coat For face and paws, pump a small amount onto a washcloth. Massage around eyes, nose, ears, mouth, and paws Avoid direct contact with eyes No need to rinse 7.1 oz./ 210

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