Deborah LippmannBejeweled Fall 6-Piece Set

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Deborah Lippmann Bejeweled Fall 6-Piece Set

From Neiman Marcus

Space Unicorn- Sheer opalescent pink and blue shimmer Starstruck - Full coverage motherofpearl shimmer Stargasm - Full coverage rose gold shimmer Only You - Sheer pink base with hot pink shimmer Flowers - Sheer pink with small glitter Good For You - Light lavender shimmer How to use: Buff nails and make sure nails are completely dry. Avoid soaking nails in water prior to a manicure. Apply a THIN layer of base coat. Cap the tip of the nail. Let the polish dry for 2 minutes. Apply a THIN layer of color with a maximum of 3 strokes. Let dry 2 minutes. • Apply a THIN layer with the second coat. Cap the tip and let dry 2 minutes. Apply a THIN layer of top coat, let dry for 2 minutes.