Goldfield & Banks3.4 oz. Desert Rosewood Perfume Concentrate


Product Info

Goldfield & Banks 3.4 oz. Desert Rosewood Perfume Concentrate

From Neiman Marcus

Desert Rosewood presents a rich, ambery, and woody fragrance that evokes thick, arid deep forests. A heady rush of resinous Australian Desert Rosewood reveals a sweetness of mandarin and vanilla, before finally settling into an exotic blend of wood and spices. ​The perfect scent for women and men who love amber, vanilla, and leathery notes. Fragrance Notes: Desert Rosewood, Mandarin, Cardamom, Benzoin, Vanilla, Patchouli 3.4 oz./ 100

Goldfield & Banks 3.4 oz. Desert Rosewood Perfume Concentrate

From Bergdorf Goodman

Desert Rosewood presents a rich, ambery, and woody fragrance that evokes thick, arid deep forests. A heady rush of resinous Australian Desert Rosewood reveals a sweetness of mandarin and vanilla, before finally settling into an exotic blend of wood and spices. ​The perfect scent for women and men who love amber, vanilla, and leathery notes. Fragrance Notes: Desert Rosewood, Mandarin, Cardamom, Benzoin, Vanilla, Patchouli 3.4 oz./ 100