Formulae Prescott0.5 oz. Eye & Lip Contour Cream


Product Info

Formulae Prescott 0.5 oz. Eye & Lip Contour Cream

From Bergdorf Goodman

FIRM: Watermelon Seed Oil is high in fatty acids that target fine lines and wrinkles. Omega 6 supports the body's natural collagen production, firming, and toning. MOISTURIZE: Shea Butter and Hyaluronate Acid keep skin plump and hydrated, Soline® provides Lipid replenishing and soothing benefits as well as antiaging, antiwrinkle, moisturizing, and plumping. NOURISH: Vitamin E, Borage Oil, and Olive Oil have antioxidant properties that protect the skin cells against environmental damage and inflammation. Chicory Root extract acts as a prebiotic reinforcing and balancing the skin microbiota.